by vincento1853 on 24 May, 2024 - Comments Off on Fourth Friday Art Walk 10.25.24
Tonight was an abundance of excitement, good energy and heartfelt community, with new faces among us! Everyone gushed over the song set KENNY JAMES delivered perfectly (he even sounded like Sting!) THANK YOU to all the folks who came in tonight! We so appreciate your supporting us and the Arts in our community!
An amazing musician – everyone loved his amazing voice and song choice!Our wonderful threesome…Tom,Linda and Pam! Always good to see you guys!These happy ladies really enjoyed the art!It is always good to see our JODY MILLER next to her amazing Equine photography!Good to see our loyal customers who purchased a pair of beautiful LESLEY AINE McKEOWN earrings tonight!Newcomers to VGE who were enthralled with CAROLYN SCHMITZ artistry!This delightful woman was ecstatic with her purchase of one of our artsy reversible jackets that even matched her pants!Our dear friend Mike who delivers us flowers from his garden, this time 50 miniature roses! Such a sweetheart!This couple went home with one of BONNY STAUFFER’s digital paintings! (And yes, we discussed how well the two look together)Well known community member and artist, Cappy, strikes a pose while looking at a painting!Our artist, MARY ANN SEARS, explaining her process to very interested guests.The lovely Mary Ann with potential buyers of her extraordinary work!Another very happy customer who took the jacket off the mannequin that fits her perfectly…and wore it out the gallery!These lovelies are always a delight, Gail, Linda and Kerry! Thank you all for a truly wonderful evening!